Asbestos Containing Material Surveys
To comply with the Asbestos Regulations 2006, these apply to all ‘non – domestic’ areas of buildings (commercial & common parts of houses of multiple occupation) & include:
• Identification of materials which may contain asbestos
• Risk assessment for fibre release
• Management plan for future maintenance activities
Fire Risk Assessments
To comply with the Fire Reform Act 2005, similarly these apply to all ‘non – domestic’ areas of buildings (commercial & common parts of houses of multiple occupation) & include an assessment of:
• Detection & warning systems
• Escape routes
• Signage
• Identifying fire hazards & control measures & an Action plan, with reasonable timelines, to achieve compliance.
Powered Gates Surveys
Following recent injuries (& fatalities) caused by electrically powered gates, these reports provide a risk assessment – reflecting control measures in place & further recommendations in considering:
• Safety devices (e.g. photocells, soft edges…) where fitted and their operation
• Condition of moving parts & guarding
• Protection against trapping or drawing in points
On completion, you will be provided with a fully illustrated report and a risk assessment under current regulatory requirements (BS EN 12604: 2000)
Building Condition Surveys
Illustrated & specified reports for dilapidations, also includes 5 year projected maintenance budgets and a current insurance valuation